Design Management ReviewDesign Management Review explores how great design provides long-term competitive advantage in a changing world.
Harvard Business ReviewFind new ideas and classic advice on strategy, innovation and leadership, for global leaders from the world's best business and management experts.
Journal of Fashion Marketing and ManagementJournal of Fashion Marketing and Management (JFMM) ensures that readers heighten their understanding of issues affecting their industry through the latest thinking and current best practice.
Journal of Strategy and ManagementJSMA is an international journal dedicated to improving the existing knowledge and understanding of strategy development and implementation globally in private and public organizations.
Touchpoint: The Journal of Service DesignTouchpoint is published three times each year by the Service Design Network. It brings together those practicing, learning and teaching service design, and each issue provides in-depth coverage of a specific theme, accompanied by regular sections.
Business InsiderInsider tells the global tech, finance, markets, media, healthcare, and strategy stories you want to know.
Fast CompanyFast Company is the world's leading progressive business media brand, with a unique editorial focus on innovation in technology, leadership, and design.
EntrepreneurEntrepreneur magazine is the premier source for everything small business.
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Wall Street Journal (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windowConsidered the preeminent source for business news and information on financial markets worldwide, the database provides access to articles through comprehensive, high-quality indexing. Researchers can easily access top news stories and information on the arts, sports, business, and popular culture.