Most books on Illustration are located at the University Center library.
The section related to drawing, illustration, and graphic design is NC (6th Floor)
General Drawing - NC1-45
History of Drawing - NC50-266
Modern Drawing - NC95
American Drawing - NC108
American Drawing - NC139
British Drawing - NC242
French Drawing - NC246-248
German Drawing - NC251
Italian Drawing - NC257
Dutch Drawing - NC263
Spanish Drawing - NC287
Drawing Guides - NC710
Technique - NC730-758
Perspective Drawing - NC750
Anatomical Drawing - NC760
Figure Drawing - NC765
Animal Drawing - NC780
Landscape Drawing - NC790
Art Materials - NC845-915
Illustration - NC950-996
Book Illustration - NC960
Children's Book Illustration - NC965
Book Covers - NC973
Magazine Covers - NC974
Illustration Annuals - NC975
American Illustration - NC975
American Illustrators - NC975.5
British Illustration- NC978
British Illustrators - NC978.5
French Illustration - NC980
French Illustrators - NC980.5
Pictorial Humor, Caricature, Cartoons - NC1300-1766
Cartoons and Comics - NC1320
Comics - NC1429
British Comics - NC1479
French Comics - NC1499
Comic Drawing Techniques - NC1764
Animation - NC1765
Keep In Mind: there are more books available offsite! Look in the Library Catalog for more!
How to Read Call Numbers
Call numbers are simple once you get the hang of it!
First, when you look at a call number, you will read it alphabetically: AB comes before BB, which comes before CB.
Then, you read it numerically: BB20 comes before BB100, which comes before BB200
Remember: even though 20 starts with a 2, it is still a smaller number than 100!
So, if we put CB395, AB100, CB40, and BB600 in order, it looks like: AB100, BB600, CB40, CB395