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New School Narratives

This guide serves as a repository for New School faculty and alumni publications featured in the Library's "New School Narratives" social media posts. It is not a comprehensive list of faculty or alumni publications.

What is New School Narratives?

Collage of book cover images included in the New School Narratives feature.


New School Narratives is an initiative of The New School Libraries highlighting recent publications of New School faculty and alumni. It is not meant as anything even approaching a comprehensive list of faculty or alumni publications. A list like that would be a giant volume by itself!

What then, exactly, is this page for? This research guide will serve as a repository for each author featured in New School Narratives on the Library's Instagram (@newschoollibraries), so it will grow over time. It is our hope that it will become a useful resource in its own right. 

Have you published recently or do you know about a book we should feature? Let us know about it! Drop us a line at with the details.