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Journal Articles
Arts & Humanities Full Text This link opens in a new window
Arts & Humanities Database provides online access to contemporary specialist arts titles combined with journals from related fields including ethnic studies, women’s studies, sociology, cultural studies, and more. Arts & Humanities Database titles include both scholarly peer-reviewed journals and selected trade and consumer titles relevant to applied arts and cultural studies.
Performing Arts Periodicals Database (ProQuest) This link opens in a new window
The International Index to Performing Arts (IIPA) is a comprehensive guide to the journal literature on performing arts--drama, theater, dance, film, television, and more--searchable together for the first time in one electronic database.
Project Muse This link opens in a new window
Project MUSE is a collaboration between libraries and publishers providing full-text, affordable and user-friendly online access to high quality humanities, arts, and social sciences journals from scholarly publishers.