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English Language Studies Faculty Guide

This guide is for faculty teaching English Language Support courses The New School.


Learn more about your access here on our 'What do I have Access To?' page. Please select the 'Faculty/Administrator' box. 

About Reserves

The New School Libraries provide access to course content including articles, books, statistical sources, videos, scores, etc. through Canvas or any of The New School Libraries’ locations. Please see our Reserves Research Guide or watch our Reserves How-to Video for more information.

Placing materials on reserve ensures that: 

  • Materials are assessed for fair use and used in accordance with copyright law; 
  • Access is stable and secure; 
  • Potential non-tuition costs are limited for students. 

Copyright & Course Reserves

The New School Libraries’ Course Reserves system within Canvas assists faculty with licensing and distributing course related material.

Faculty may use the Course Reserves tab in Canvas to request all course materials that may require permission or a special license to share with students. Open access material may be uploaded using Course Reserves as well.

What happens next?

Library staff will assess copyright concerns for every item requested. The library will make materials that have no copyright restriction available to the class. When something is protected by copyright, library staff will pursue clearing permissions.

Purchasing and licensing requests are generally filled within 2 weeks except during peak times such as the beginning of the semester.


The New School Library makes every effort to provide accurate information. It is not meant to be a substitute for legal advice, but a prompt to ask questions about how to ethically use material in classes. Please consult a lawyer with questions regarding rights disputes or whether an intended use is legal. For additional information, please see our Copyright & Fair Use for Faculty guide.

You can meet with a English Language Learning Librarian and/or your Subject Librarian for more information about The New School Libraries. Please fill out our one-on-one consultation form to set this up: