This guide is to assist The New School community members when researching Latinx and Indigenous Studies.
Research Help
Ask UsContact a librarian for research help via live chat, text, telephone, or email. For emails, someone will get back to you within 1 working day Monday-Friday.
Request 1-on-1 ConsultationThe New School Subject Librarians are available to provide personalized 1-on-1 assistance for students, faculty and staff in search strategies, evaluating sources, research methods, developing assignments and more. Schedule an appointment with a Subject Specialist using the Libraries online form.
Subject LibrariansSubject Librarians are available for one-on-one appointments and in-class library instruction, and can create customized library research guides. Users may contact them directly with recommendations or fill out the Request a Purchase form on the library website.
Request a PurchaseIf a book, video, periodical or database is not available through the library, use the form to request its acquisition.
Libraries Video TutorialsVideo resources to help you learn how to navigate The New School Libraries and Archives.
Writing ResourcesThis is a guide to resources that will support you in your academic writing.