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Prof. Shapiro Fall 2013

Reference Searching Basics

Cited Reference Searching allows you to "go forward in time" from a book or article you know to newer books or articels which have cited your original source since it has been published.

•Normally you look at the end of a book or article for the references cited, all of which have been published earlier than the piece you are reading.
For example, when I read Keith Basso's "Portraits of "The Whiteman" which was published in 1979, all works cited are dated earlier than 1979. 

•However, if I want to know who has cited Basso's work since it has been published, I will use the "Cited Reference" searching approach.


Why Use Cited Reference Searching
•To establish the impact of a given book or article:
the more often it's been cited the more "important" it is

•To find a series of related works that update (rather than predate) the work I know.

•To investigate the intellectual history of an idea, method or scientific approach. The assumption is that if an author cites a given work, she is engaging with at least one idea in that work. Thus we can follow a thread of research or reasoning by doing a cited reference search.
For example in "Portraits..." Basso explores joking in intercultural encounters. By finding out who has cited this work, I can find more recent works on this subject.

Databases with Cited Searching

Many Databases the Library offers allow for Cited Reference Searching

•Always use "Advanced" search form and check the search options in the drop-down menu
•Most often there is a "Reference" option that will allow you to search for references cited

Especially for Thesis writers:

Disserations & Theses @ The New School

Dissertations & Theses Fulltext

All Annual Review databases ("Cited Author" only)

•In full text databases such as Project Muse and JStor search for an author or a specific work by putting parentheses around the name or title
Examples: "Karl Marx" or "Critique of Pure Reason"

•Using parentheses around titles of works will also give you better results when searching for references in other databases.

Communication & Mass Media Complete (EBSCO)

Communication & Mass Media Complete (EBSCOhost) Cited Reference Searching

•In top menu bar, Click on  Cited References


•Enter the Author and Work you want to see cited by newer works
•Follow the pattern: Last Name, Initial* for author's name
•Use the asterisk * to account for variant spellings

Example: Who has cited Deborah Tannen's book "Talking from 9 to 5"?




•Select the Cited Work from the list and Click Find Citing Articles

•The resulting list will show you newer articles that cite Tannen's work

ISI Web of Knowledge

Web of Knowledge Cited Reference Searching

•Select Web of Science


•Click on Cited Reference Search


•Enter information about the work you know:

Example - The Article I Know is:
Duehr, Emily E.; Bono, Joyce E. "Men, women and managers: are stereotypes finally changing?" Personnel Psychology, Winter 2006, Vol. 59 Issue 4, p815-846.


•The next screen shows how often (and how) the work has been cited:


•Select your work from a list of cited works (account for misspellings and date variants) 

•Click Finish Search - this will result in a list of articles that cited the original: