On the Citation Network panel (right side) you can see:
How often this article itself has been cited as a Citation by others (one time) - Click on the number to see the citing article
How many Cited References this article has used (53) - Click on the number to see the list of references (one of them being the Basso book)
What Related Records there are that in turn cite at least one of the 53 references this article cited. Click on View Related Records to see a list of articles that share references with this one.
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Click on Cited References tab
Example: To see who has cited the following book since it was published: Basso, Keith (1979) "Portraits of the Whiteman." Enter the required information as per the given examples: Author Last Name First Initial* , Title: First few words*, Publication Date: Not necessary unless you only want to refer to a specific edition
This list shows you how the Basso work has been cited in articles. You can select all by clicking the top Check Box on the upper left of the listing and then See Results
There are 177 articles that cite the Basso book. Each box represents a citing article.
Use the Refine Results filters on the left to narrow down your results list to the articles most relevant to your research. Use the Search Within Results box to add a pertinent keyword (keep in mind that there is no fulltext in this database). Major filters are: Publication Years, Document Types, Web of Science Categories (subject areas, e.g. anthropology), Publication Title. Scroll to explore all filter options to maximize the relevance of your results for your purposes.
This is one of the articles that includes the Basso book in its references. Bibliographic information and abstracts are included for all articles in WoS, as well as article author information. Full text links are given when available.
On the Citation Network panel (right side) you can see:
How often this article itself has been cited as a Citation by others (one time) - Click on the number to see the citing article
How many Cited References this article has used (53) - Click on the number to see the list of references (one of them being the Basso book)
What Related Records there are that in turn cite at least one of the 53 references this article cited. Click on View Related Records to see a list of articles that share references with this one.
Connect to the Web of Science (WoS) database (log in with your New School credentials if prompted)
Click on Cited References tab
Example: To see who has cited the following book since it was published: Basso, Keith (1979) "Portraits of the Whiteman." Enter the required information as per the given examples: Author Last Name First Initial* , Title: First few words*, Publication Date: Not necessary unless you only want to refer to a specific edition
This list shows you how the Basso work has been cited in articles. You can select all by clicking the top Check Box on the upper left of the listing and then See Results
There are 177 articles that cite the Basso book. Each box represents a citing article.
Use the Refine Results filters on the left to narrow down your results list to the articles most relevant to your research. Use the Search Within Results box to add a pertinent keyword (keep in mind that there is no fulltext in this database). Major filters are: Publication Years, Document Types, Web of Science Categories (subject areas, e.g. anthropology), Publication Title. Scroll to explore all filter options to maximize the relevance of your results for your purposes.
This is one of the articles that includes the Basso book in its references. Bibliographic information and abstracts are included for all articles in WoS, as well as article author information. Full text links are given when available.
On the Citation Network panel (right side) you can see:
How often this article itself has been cited as a Citation by others (one time) - Click on the number to see the citing article
How many Cited References this article has used (53) - Click on the number to see the list of references (one of them being the Basso book)
What Related Records there are that in turn cite at least one of the 53 references this article cited. Click on View Related Records to see a list of articles that share references with this one.