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Open Access (OA)

What is Open Access?

OA vs. OER

As noted in the excerpt from Anita Walz's, "Differentiating Between Open Access and Open Educational Resources," "Open access materials can also be used for instruction...." OA and OER materials may both be placed on Course Reserve, lowering education costs for students and promoting unrestricted access to new perspectives. [See Open Educational Resources (OER): Open Pedagoy for more information.]

Excerpted snapshot of Anita Walz's infographic, "How we (tend to) talk about Open Access and Open Educational Resources." The right side explains that Open access refers to: "Scholarly works primarily created to document new knowledge and advance scholarly conversation; Free public access; Formats: Scholarly books, scholarly journal articles."


Walz, Anita R. "Differentiating Between Open Access and Open Educational Resources." VTechWorks, Virginia Tech University Libraries, 9 Oct. 2019,