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Newspapers, Magazines, Journals

Proquest All Subscribed Contents
A "shopping mall" of newspaper, magazine and journal articles in all subject areas
Use it to get an overview on your subject or familiarize yourself with issues to learn about a new subject;  find current events, interviews, commentary, etc.
►Use the power of this database by Limiting Dates, Document Type (e.g. interviews, reviews), and using the fields in the Search section (Citation and Abstract vs. Citation and Document Text)
Narrow your Results list by using the menu on the right to choose Scholarly Journals, a Subject area or to select a Publication Date range 

►This is a good starting place for most topics “to see what’s out there.” It's also a great database for news, popular views, interviews

NYC Neighborhood Newspapers

New York City boasts a good number of local neighborhood newspapers. Use them to see what some local issues and events are and to learn more about local players, such as community organizations, politicians and businesses. Read the "Letters to the Editor."

Here a selection - check your locality for those plastic newspapers boxes on the curb. Or google "upper west side newspaper" etc.

 •Many of these sites include searchable Archives


amny City-wide local news

New York Daily News - New York section covers Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens

Gotham Gazette: "The Place for New York Policies and Politics" (online only) City-wide coverage

El Diario La Prensa Spanish language newspaper with city-wide coverage

Chelsea News Chelsea, including the Highline and Hudson waterfront

Gay City News  local news covering the West Village, Chelsea and the Meat Packing District

New York Press has an Upper West Side, Upper Eaast Side and Downtown section (under Neighborhoods)

New York Amsterdam News one of the oldest African American newspapers - covers local news from an ethnic perspective

Harlem Community News read pdf online, local community events and news

The Harlem Times "News for Harlem and the Harlems of the World" 

Brooklyn Paper covers many Brooklyn neighborhoods